
7 Easy Tips to Stay Healthy at Work

25 March 2016
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The dreaded 40-hour work week can bring along stress and anxiety for many. When the days are spent sitting at a desk staring a computer all day, it’s easy to lose sight of ourselves and what we want in our lives. In the chaos of working all day, potentially having children, a spouse or partner, and other responsibilities, staying healthy can get shoved onto the back burner inadvertently.

How do I maintain a healthy work/life balance?

One sixth of full-time workers have over 60 hour work weeks, which means many are working 10+ hour days. We are often spending so much time in that one space. Some even manage to be at work more than they are at home. When getting into the monotony of the work week, it’s easy to fall back and fall into an uneasy routine which can leave you beaten down by the end of the week. It is important to stay healthy both mentally and physically amidst the chaos. To help you with this feat, we have curated a list of 7 easy tips to ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle while keeping your job and your sanity.

stay healthy at work, despite working longer hours

What should I eat at work to stay healthy?


Get Creative: mix nutritional snacks together. Seen here is popcorn trailmix.

Tip number 1 is the most common sensical tip, but often needs to be reiterated as old habits can be simple to change but also simple to back on.


Snack healthy to avoid temptation.

Coworkers can derail a healthy snack day with donuts and candy, but healthy snacks at your desk can prevent the mindless munching.

Nuts, Energy bars, air-popped popcorn, and fruits are all great go-tos.

For more out of the box options, choose items with just enough protein and good fats to get your mind awake and keep you focused. Baked chickpeas are incredibly easy to prep the night before and satisfy that craving for something crunchy. Toast with avocado is also a simple staple with complex carbs and good fats.

bakes chickpeas are a great snack to have to avoid eating more tempting foods at work

Bakes chickpeas are a great snack to have to avoid eating more tempting foods at work

Lunch time can be difficult for those who commute to work. Spending money every day for lunch isn’t a great option for those who have a tight budget. If you have nothing prepared, you are likely to choose a cheap, unhealthy option. Fast food often becomes an easy go-to for a quick and inexpensive lunch. The next big tip for staying healthy at work takes only a little bit of pre-planning and saves a lot of money in the long run.


Bring a lunch to work.

You will know what goes into your meal, leading you on a healthier track. Eating healthier will boost your energy through the day, eliminating that mid-afternoon crash. Prepping breakfast is a great way to avoid the morning rush to find food and give you more time to relax. Meal prepping for the week ahead is simple. Preparing these meals so breakfasts and lunches are taken care of will ease your stress exponentially while ensuring you stay true to your health goals. Some great examples for meal-prepped foods are:


Lentil soup: filling, nutritional, and easy on sensitive tummies!

  • Lentil Soup: A soulful and nutritional option for a filling lunch, lentil soup is easy to prepare, and when prepared in advance, can make enough to last an entire week for lunches.
    • “Lentils are especially high in B vitamins and minerals like iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Many nutritionists consider lentils one of the healthiest things you can eat, especially if you’re on a tight budget.”- Elizabeth Rider
  • Coconut Chia Porridge: For a warm and nourishing breakfast, coconut chia porridge is an easy and nutrient-packed option which can be prepped in advance.
  • Kale Salads: There are so many variations of the kale salad that having kale for lunch doesn’t have to become boring. Packed with rich nutrients, kale provides vitamin A and vitamin C in amounts that are up to twice as much as you need in one day.


Drink water steadily throughout the day.

Buy a 16oz water bottle and fill it up multiple times a day, set goals for how much water you want to drink per day. It is recommended that you drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. Every time you refill the water bottle, you get a chance to walk and socialize.

Among the many reasons to drink water, it is beneficial to every aspect of our health and wellness.


Go outside, take a break every few hours.


Simple Yoga stretches like Cat / Cow at your desk can improve your focus and stress levels

Enjoy a quick walk and a chance to soak up the sun. Studies show that a lunchtime walk can heighten moods and the ability to handle stress at work. Use your lunch hour for a chance to soak up the sun and get a brisk walk in. The mid-day refresher can break up the monotonous day for renewed energy. Use the proven practice of yoga to manage stress and tension throughout the day.

“Yoga — a mind-body practice — is considered one of many types of complementary and integrative health approaches. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines that may help you achieve peacefulness of body and mind. This can help you relax and manage stress and anxiety.” – Mayo Clinic


Keep your environment clean.

Keep your desk clean, using wipes to clear off germs from surfaces where germs are lurking. Studies show that the keyboard is dirtier than the toilet. When you eat lunch at your desk, make sure to clean the keyboard often with wipes. Keep your hands clean and practice good hygiene by washing your hands after touching public door handles.

The amount of germs on a single desk can be appalling


Set goals for your mental or physical health

Use what you have around you to maintain a positive mood. Use uplifting music and read inspiring quotes, which can allow you to focus on your wellness. Set small goals throughout the day to accomplish for higher spirits during a particularly stressful time. Keeping a small aromatherapy machine at your desk can create a peaceful space around you. Use what you have around you to get your muscles moving. There are plenty of videos of office workouts on Youtube, and doing these every few hours can help rid your mind of negative energy. Doing jumping jacks, standing at your desk, or simply practicing better posture can lead to a much clearer mind as well.


Taking a multivitamin can vastly improve your health.

There are so many options for multivitamins to replenish your system and benefit your health in the long run. From vitamins for women which provide over 40 benefits including heart, hormone, and thyroid health, to vitamins for men with a myriad of benefits, Garden of Life vitamins are USDA-certified organic and non-GMO Project Verified. They are the only vitamins on the market that are dual-certified. Finding a vegan or raw organic food-grade vitamin is crucial to full body and mind health.

Your work day can be far from the monotonous experience we are all accustomed to in an office. From setting healthier goals for yourself, to eating healthier and using free time to get your blood flowing, you can improve your mental and physical health little by little. Staying healthy at work is best achieved with your goals in mind. Set some short and long term goals for your health and aim to reach them. Keep your mind and body well with these easy tips for a productive work environment.









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The Healing Clinic is a full service Medical Marijuana Patient Advocacy center. We are a group of doctors and medical marijuana Patient Advocates here to serve Chicago and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to be one of the best cannabis clinics in Chicago, and to faithfully serve the growing patient population in Illinois.

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1443 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60657
Highland Park
332 Skokie Valley Rd #104, Highland Park, IL 60035
3235 Vollmer Rd #139, Flossmoor, IL 60422
(312) 890-6113
(844) 249-5580

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