
Today is the most important day for cannabis legalization, ever.

8 November 2016
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Today is the most important day for cannabis legalization, ever. Approximately 75 million people in the United States, 23% of the population, will have access to cannabis if all 9 states vote ‘yes’ on various forms of cannabis legalization. 5 states, including Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada will decided if recreational cannabis / marijuana will be legalized statewide. Judging by the success of tax dollars raised in Washington and Colorado since legalizing, this would be a major benefit. 4 states, including Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota will vote on medical cannabis. Below, we take a look at the name, ballot number and summary regarding the legalization of recreational or medical cannabis in 9 states on November 8th, 2016.



  • Name: Arizona Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act
  • Ballot Number: Proposition 205
  • Summary: The Arizona Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act allows adults who are 21 years of age and older to possess and to privately consume and grow limited amounts of cannabis. Up to 1 ounce of marijuana flower, up to 5 grams of cannabis concentrate, and/or the harvest from up to 6 plants is allowed. Proposition 205 creates a system in which licensed businesses can produce and sell cannabis; establishes a Department of Marijuana Licenses and Control to regulate the cultivation, manufacturing, testing, transportation, and sale of marijuana; and provides local governments with the authority to regulate and limit cannabis businesses. Current polls state that 50% of registered voters favor Prop 205 and 42% oppose it.


  • Name: Adult Use of Marijuana Act
  • Ballot Number: Proposition 64
  • Summary: Passage of Proposition 64 would allow adults to legally grow, up to 6 plants, and possess personal use quantities of cannabis (up to 1 ounce of flower and/or up to 8 grams of concentrate) while also licensing commercial cannabis production and retail sales. The measure prohibits localities from taking actions to infringe upon adults’ ability to possess and cultivate cannabis for non-commercial purposes.


  • Name: Marijuana Legalization Act
  • Ballot Number: Question 1
  • Summary: The measure would allow adults to legally possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and to cultivate cannabis (up to 6 mature plants and the entire yields of said plants) for their own personal use. The measure would also establish licensing for the commercial production and retail sale of cannabis. Retail sales of cannabis would be subject to a 10% sales tax. Non-commercial transactions and/or retail sales involving medical cannabis would not be subject to taxation. Among likely voters, support for Question 1 leads by a margin of 50% to 41%, according to a recent poll.


  • Name: The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act
  • Ballot Number: Question 4
  • Summary: The initiative allows adults 21 years of age and older to possess up to 1 ounce of cannabis outside of their residences and up to 10 ounces of cannabis in an enclosed, locked space within their residences. It allows adults 21 years of age and older to grow up to 6 cannabis plants in an enclosed, locked space within their residences and possess the cannabis produced by those plants in the location where it was grown. A recent poll shows 61% support compared to 34% opposition.


  • Name: Nevada Marijuana Legalization Initiative
  • Ballot Number: Question 2
  • Summary: The ballot language allows adults to possess and grow personal use quantities of cannabis (up to 1 ounce and/or 6 plants) for personal use. The measure also regulates and taxes the commercial production and retail sale of cannabis. It states, “The People of the State of Nevada find and declare that the use of marijuana should be legal for persons 21 years of age or older, and its cultivation and sale should be regulated similar to other businesses.” According to a recent poll, voters favor the measure by a margin of 47% to 43%.



  • Name: The Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act and The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment
  • Ballot Number: Issue 6, Issue 7
  • Summary: The 2016 Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act establishes a statewide program for the licensed production, analytical testing, and distribution of medicinal cannabis. Under the program, patients diagnosed by a physician with 1 of over 50 qualifying conditions may obtain cannabis from 1 of up to 38 licensed non-profit care centers. Qualified patients who do not have a center operating in their area will be permitted to obtain a ‘hardship certificate’ in order to cultivate their own medicine at home. A competing, slightly more narrow medical cannabis measure, the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment has also qualified for the ballot as Issue 6. The measure does not permit home cultivation of cannabis and also provides fewer qualifying conditions for which cannabis therapy may be recommended.


  • Name: Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Conditions
  • Ballot Number: Amendment 2
  • Summary: Passage of Amendment 2 would allow qualified patients to possess and obtain cannabis from state-licensed facilities. According to a recent poll, 71% of Floridia residents say that they will vote ‘yes’ on Amendment 2. Under Florida law, 60 percent of voters must approve a constitutional amendment in order for it to become law. Back in November 2014, Floridia residents rejected a similar amendment, which received only 58% of the vote.


  • Name: Montana Medical Marijuana Initiative
  • Ballot Number: I-182
  • Summary:  I-182 repeals the limit of 3 patients for each licensed provider, and allows providers to hire employees to cultivate, dispense, and transport medical cannabis. I-182 repeals the requirement that physicians who provide certifications for 25 or more patients annually be referred to the board of medical examiners. I-182 removes the authority of law enforcement to conduct unannounced inspections of medical marijuana facilities, and requires annual inspections by the state.

North Dakota

  • Name: The North Dakota Compassionate Care Act 2016
  • Ballot Number: Measure 5
  • Summary: The North Dakota Compassionate Care Act 2016 enables patients with an eligible debilitating condition to possess and obtain up to three ounces of cannabis upon receiving a doctor’s written certification. Measure 5 also establishes a statewide regulatory system for the creation of “compassionate care centers.” If a patient does not live in close proximity to a compassionate care center, they may cultivate up to 8 cannabis plants in an enclosed, locked facility.


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Source: NORML

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The Healing Clinic is a full service Medical Marijuana Patient Advocacy center. We are a group of doctors and medical marijuana Patient Advocates here to serve Chicago and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to be one of the best cannabis clinics in Chicago, and to faithfully serve the growing patient population in Illinois.

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1443 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60657
Highland Park
332 Skokie Valley Rd #104, Highland Park, IL 60035
3235 Vollmer Rd #139, Flossmoor, IL 60422
(312) 890-6113
(844) 249-5580

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Flossmoor: By appointment only.


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