
Real Cannabis Still Illegal While Synthetic Kills

13 April 2018
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Cannabis vs Spice, The Real Villain

In the greater Chicago area 3 people have died and over 100 have been hospitalized due to severe bleeding after using synthetic cannabis, and this is in 2018 alone.

Synthetic cannabis, also known as ‘spice’, is a man-made mind altering substance that is consumed by users in the same manner as real cannabis, by smoking it.

What Exactly is ‘Spice’?

Synthetic cannabis belongs to a group of drugs called New Psychotic Substances (NPS). They are unregulated psychoactive drugs which supposedly mirror the effects of illegal drugs. In addition to being smoked, spice is also sold in liquid form to be vaporized or taken as a tincture.

‘Spice’ is easily available in gas stations, online, smoke shops and is generally unregulated. Its legal status is complicated because, due to false advertising, owners are able to sell it and label it as “not for human consumption”. The packaging for synthetic cannabis is often appealing with colorful graphics meant to attract recreational customers, as pictured below.

What Potential Harm Comes With Using Synthetic Cannabis?

The potential dangers of using this drug include symptoms of vomiting, violent behavior, internal bleeding, and suicidal idealizations. Synthetic cannabis is highly addictive for some and it causes withdrawal symptoms which can include insomnia, loss of appetite, cold sweats, psychotic episodes, depression, suicidal thoughts, and little regard for consequences from continued abuse. While its Long term effects are unknown, it has been proven that continued use of this drug can cause kidney failure, heart damage, and renal failure.

Why Does Illinois Regulate Real Cannabis More than Deadly Spice?

What’s ironic about all of this, is that the state of Illinois does not allow those with a drug felony conviction to participate in their medical cannabis program, therefore many of them become users of this dangerous blend with the widespread misconception that it is “natural” and therefore harmless. There is absolutely nothing natural about synthetic cannabis. Another appeal for this deadly product is from those going through probation, in order to pass their mandated drug tests. Synthetic cannabis or ‘spice’ does not show up on routine drug tests.


Former synthetic cannabis user, August Sarver, says he “didn’t realize it’s addictive. You can’t quit,” said Sarver. On March 27, he was having what he thought was a safe and legal a smoking session with his friends but by the next morning him and his friends were all admitted to the hospital due to massive bleeding. “My friend said the stuff we smoked last night was bad — it had rat poison in it,” said Sarver. He spent 5 days in ICU and is still recovering. Sarver strongly urges that others avoid synthetic cannabis altogether. “I want some kid to read this and not smoke Spice,” he said. “I don’t want anyone else to die from this.”

Synthetic cannabis should be taken off the streets and replaced with the real thing. It seems nonsensical that the Illinois medical cannabis program is so limited and that additional qualifying conditions continue to be denied by the state of Department of Public Health. 


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Associated Press. “Former Synthetic Marijuana User Shares His Cautionary Tale.”Chicago Sun-Times, 13 Apr. 2018, chicago.suntimes.com/cannabis/former-synthetic-marijuana-user-shares-his-cautionary-tale/.
“The Effects of Spice Use.” DrugAbuse.com, 12 Mar. 2018, drugabuse.com/library/the-effects-of-spice-use/.
McCoppin, Robert. “Illinois Declines to Expand Medical Marijuana Conditions List.”Chicagotribune.com, 1 Feb. 2016, www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-illinois-medical-marijuana-met-20160129-story.html.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/Spice).” NIDA, www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/synthetic-cannabinoids-k2spice.
“Psychoactive Drug.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoactive_drug.
Zarifi, Ceyda, and Shuchi Vyas. “Spice-y Kidney Failure: A Case Report and Systematic Review of Acute Kidney Injury Attributable to the Use of Synthetic Cannabis.” The Permanente Journal, The Permanente Journal, 2017, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5424589/.

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The Healing Clinic is a full service Medical Marijuana Patient Advocacy center. We are a group of doctors and medical marijuana Patient Advocates here to serve Chicago and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to be one of the best cannabis clinics in Chicago, and to faithfully serve the growing patient population in Illinois.

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Highland Park
332 Skokie Valley Rd #104, Highland Park, IL 60035
3235 Vollmer Rd #139, Flossmoor, IL 60422
(312) 890-6113
(844) 249-5580

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The Dangers of 'Spice'